About the symposium
The 6th Food Safety and Zoonoses Symposium for Asia Pacific will be conducted during 26-27 August 2021 by Veterinary Public Health and Food Safety Centre for Asia Pacific (VPHCAP), Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Chiang Mai University. In this special occasion, this year we integrate this symposium to the Global Health Institute-Thailand 2021 to encourage, strengthen and generate innovative knowledge between academic experiences in food safety and zoonoses together with expert, government, private, academic scientists, graduate and doctoral-level students in the Asia Pacific region and global level. This symposium will call for abstract for online oral or E-poster presentation with a peer-review proceeding and provide a chance for outstanding research topics to publish in the Veterinary Integrative Sciences Journal (special issue in September 2021).


Dr. Thanawat Tiensin
Chairperson of the UN Committee
on World Food Security
Impacts of COVID-19 on
Food Security and Nutrition

Dr. Tracey Goldstein
Division Chief, Emerging Threats, USAID
Global and Regional Strategies to Address Future Pandemic Threats

Prof. Dr. Suwat Chariyalertsak
Dean, Faculty of Public Health,
Chiang Mai University
Digital Technologies in the Public-health Response to COVID-19 Pandemic : Lesson Learned from Thailand's Experiences

Prof. Dr. Rungtip Chuanchuen
Director, Center for Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring in Foodborne Pathogens (in cooperation with WHO)
Update on Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring System and Situation in Food Animals in Asia

Dr. Bernd-Alois Tenhagen
Federal Institute for Risk Assessment, Germany
Food Safety Risk Assessment

Dr. Noppawan Buameetoop
Livestock Academic Development,
Department of Livestock Development, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives
Lumpy Skin Disease:
An Emerging Disease in Asia
Conference Theme:
Pandemic and emerging diseases
Animal disease outbreak
Food safety and food hygiene
Food security and food innovation
Socio-economic impacts on food systems
Antimicrobial resistance
Risk assessment
Important Date:
- Call for abstract and full paper -
30 June 2021 Deadline for abstract and full paper submission
15 July 2021 Notification of acceptance and suggestion for revision
30 July 2021 Final submission of full paper
Presentation options:
/ Oral presentation
/ Poster presentation
(Abstract or Full-paper submission)
*Qualified full-paper will be published in the Veterinary Integrative Sciences Journal
(TCI tier1 / Scopus database - No publication fee)
special issue in September 2021
